Research on Changes and Characteristics of GHG Emissions by Major Energy-consuming Universities in Korea연구논문 2018. 3. 13. 15:28
Research on Changes and Characteristics of GHG Emissions by Major Energy-consuming Universities in Korea - Focused on the variation since the implementation of GHG emission regulation by Government - 저자 정혜진, 신인철 학술지정보 Korea Journal of Construction Engineering and Management KCI 발행정보 한국건설관리학회 2017년 피인용횟수0자료제공..
Optimal placement and control of BESS for a distribution system integrated with PV systems연구논문 2017. 12. 13. 16:17
Optimal placement and control of BESS for a distribution system integrated with PV systems 저자 Kihara Hiroyuki, Yokoyama Akihiko, Liyanage Kithsiri M, Sakuma Hisato 학술지정보 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 발행정보 International council on electrical engineering 2011년 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 국립중앙도서관 주..