베이비부머의 은퇴 후 선호하는 주택특성에 관한 연구 : 서울 강남지역 공동주택거주자를 대상으로연구논문 2018. 1. 3. 14:17반응형
베이비부머의 은퇴 후 선호하는 주택특성에 관한 연구 : 서울 강남지역 공동주택거주자를 대상으로
The Study on Housing Characteristics Preferred by Babyboomer After Retirement - Focusing on Apartment's Residents of Gangnam Region in Seoul -
저자 김혜연, 이연숙, 윤혜경
학술지정보 한국주거학회 논문집 KCI KCI Candidate
발행정보 한국주거학회 2010년
피인용횟수 12
자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 건축도시연구정보센터 한국연구재단
주제분야 사회과학 > 가정학
The advent of an aging society has raised the necessity for housing development to meet the growing demands of baby boomers expected to act as the main consumers in the future housing market. This study aims to identify the characteristics of apartment houses favored by baby boomers in their post-retirement plans. Based on a literature review and survey, the study is targeted at a certain baby boom generation residing in mid- sized and large-sized apartments with a floor space of more than 30 pyeong in Gangnam, Seoul. The study reveals that baby boomers favor an active post-retirement life where they can enjoy proper leisure without considerable change in daily routines, and for that reason they choose an apartment house well equipped with neighboring, convenient facilities for their post-retirement. Their housing size shows a downward tendency in response to changes in economic conditions and number of family members living together. Health-related factors such as a comfortable natural environment and greenery also play a key role in their residence selection. Their regional preference is divided into the downtown and suburbs, and thus it will be necessary to satisfy the needs of these two consumer groups in the future housing market. This study lays the foundation for offering basic materials for the development and marketing of apartment houses.
The advent of an aging society has raised the necessity for housing development to meet the growing demands of baby boomers expected to act as the main consumers in the future housing market. This study aims to identify the characteristics of apartment houses favored by baby boomers in their post-retirement plans. Based on a literature review and survey, the study is targeted at a certain baby boom generation residing in mid- sized and large-sized apartments with a floor space of more than 30 pyeong in Gangnam, Seoul. The study reveals that baby boomers favor an active post-retirement life where they can enjoy proper leisure without considerable change in daily routines, and for that reason they choose an apartment house well equipped with neighboring, convenient facilities for their post-retirement. Their housing size shows a downward tendency in response to changes in economic conditions and number of family members living together. Health-related factors such as a comfortable natural environment and greenery also play a key role in their residence selection. Their regional preference is divided into the downtown and suburbs, and thus it will be necessary to satisfy the needs of these two consumer groups in the future housing market. This study lays the foundation for offering basic materials for the development and marketing of apartment houses.
베이비부머의 은퇴 후 선호하는 주택특성에 관한 연구 : 서울 강남지역 공동주택거주자를 대상으로 / 김혜연 ; 이연숙 ; 윤혜경 1
Abstract 1
I. 서론 1
1. 연구배경 및 필요성 1
2. 연구목적 및 의의 2
II. 문헌고찰 2
1. 베이비붐 세대의 특성 2
2. Active Aging(활동적 고령화, 활기찬 노후) 2
3. 은퇴 후의 주거대안으로서의 공동주택계획요소 3
4. 주거이동과 주거선택 3
III. 연구방법 4
1. 연구방법 및 분석방법 4
2. 조사대상 및 개요 4
3. 조사도구의 구성 4
IV. 연구결과 및 논의 5
1. 조사대상자의 일반적 특성 5
2. 현재 주거특성 5
3. 은퇴 후 선호하는 주거특성 5
4. 이사를 원하지 않는 경우 만족하는 주택특성 8
V. 결론 및 제언 9
참고문헌 9녹색건축인증 조성법' 및 '건물에너지 소비증명제'가 의무화되어 시행되고 있습니다. 저희 (주)녹색건축인증연구소는 '지속가능한 저탄소 녹색건축인증 기술연구소'의 전문기업으로 설립되어, 빠른 제도 변화와 변모하는 건설환경에 이바지하고자 합니다. (주)녹색건축인증연구소는 건축, 도시, 생태분야가 녹색건축물에 접목될 수 있도록 적절한 요소분석을 통해 에너지 절감형 건축, 자생적 생태환경, 온열환경, 빛환경의 면밀한 조사와 연구로 고객의 삶의 질 향상 및 더 나아가 인류의 존속성에 그 목적을 두고 있습니다.
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