건축물에너지효율등급 평가프로그램에 의한 공동주택 난방에너지 소요량과 실제 사용량 비교연구논문 2017. 3. 31. 13:00반응형
건축물에너지효율등급 평가프로그램에 의한 공동주택 난방에너지 소요량과 실제 사용량 비교
Comparing the actual heating energy with calculated energy by the amended standard building energy rating system for apartment buildings
저자명 이아람, 김정국, 김종훈, 정학근, 장철용, 송규동
소속기관 한양대학교 성균관대학교 Building Energy Research Center, KIER
Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang Univ
문서유형 학술논문학술지한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 v.15 n.2 통권72호 (Apr. 2015) pp.103-107 \발행정보 한국생태환경건축학회 |2015년 |한국 |한국어
주제분야 공학 > 건축공학
서지링크 국회도서관 , KISTI , 건축도시연구정보센터
Purpose: Since September 1st, 2013, subjects of the evaluation have been expanded, and the evaluation standard has been detailed to enable Building energy rating system for all buildings.
Accordingly, the new evaluation program (ECO2) has been developed, and therefore, apartment applied after September 1st, 2013 were evaluated with the new evaluation program.
Therefore, this research suggests the improvement plan to figure out reasons for the evaluation result calculation and to calculate the evaluation results close to the actual energy usage by analyzing and comparing primary energy consumption as a result of the new evaluation program (ECO2) and actual heating energy usage on the same building.
Method: When comparing evaluation results of the new evaluation program (ECO2) and actual heating energy usage, the tendency was similar but different.
Also when comparing seasonally, the tendency was similar, but the different between actual heating energy usage and primary energy consumption during winter is greater than during spring or fall, and when comparing seasonal electric usage, heating alternatives were used through increased electrical usage during winter compared to during spring or fall.
Result: Therefore, when evaluating apartment with the new program (ECO2) in the future, evaluation items relevant to the use of heating alternatives should be added, and the modification factor should be added according to the region.
Based on the evaluation results of the research and actual energy usage, the Modification factors of the central part and the southern part were calculated respectively as 0.5 and 0.8.
녹색건축인증 조성법' 및 '건물에너지 소비증명제'가 의무화되어 시행되고 있습니다. 저희 (주)녹색건축인증연구소는 '지속가능한 저탄소 녹색건축인증 기술연구소'의 전문기업으로 설립되어, 빠른 제도 변화와 변모하는 건설환경에 이바지하고자 합니다. (주)녹색건축인증연구소는 건축, 도시, 생태분야가 녹색건축물에 접목될 수 있도록 적절한 요소분석을 통해 에너지 절감형 건축, 자생적 생태환경, 온열환경, 빛환경의 면밀한 조사와 연구로 고객의 삶의 질 향상 및 더 나아가 인류의 존속성에 그 목적을 두고 있습니다. 한국 녹색 인증원 녹색 건축 인증 연구소 그린 빌딩 녹색 건축 인증 녹색성장 친환경 신재생에너지 패시브하우스 BESS BEMS 장수명주택인증 ESS 친환경 인증 그린홈 건물에너지 셉테드 CPTED BF인증 gseed
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